2013 Top AdSense Alternatives
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2013 Top AdSense Alternatives

So, You wanna know the AdSense Alternatives. Right?
But before that I want to tell you one thing that there is no AdSense alternatives in reality.
Because AdSense alternatives will pay you cents if you were earning dollars from AdSense.
If you are earning $10 every day from AdSense than you will only be able to earn around $1 with AdSense Alternatives.
Must Read: How to Increase the Click Through Rate (CTR) of AdSense?
So, now the question comes that if you should use AdSense Alternatives or not?
Well, my answer would be yes, if you are not getting your application approved or are banned and would be no if you haven’t tried it yet.

Top AdSense Alternatives 2013

6. Kontera

Kontera is the world’s second best in-text ad network and has taken a great loss in a past few years (B’cause of infolinks). And because of that it’s way easy now to get accepted in Kontera than it were some years ago.
And because of the above reason it has to be in the sixth position in this AdSense Alternatives list otherwise it could have got a better one.
Like I said above it is an in-text network and that means it hyperlinks the keywords in your content according to their database. The minimum payout is $50 via paypal.

5. Clicksor

Well, Clicksor ads has been updated in the past and that’s why Clicksor is able to get to the 5th spot in this AdSense alternative list.
Now, they also use banners and doesn’t irritate much as compared to it was irritating in the past.
You can get a check from clicksor when your earnings would exceed atleast $50.

4. Infolinks

Infolinks, is another in-text ad network which you can use on your blog i.e., it hyperlinks your words in your posts/pages so, that if a person would click on any of the link you would get some cents.
The thing is you can’t earn a lot of money only from the links. Right?
And that’s why infolinks have a lot of other things (tag cloud, etc.) so that you would not leave them and you could maximize your infolinks revenue. The minimum payout is $50.

3. BuySellAds

Ya, I know that it isn’t an CPC ad network but it deserve to be in this list because it can be an awesome network in the AdSense Alternatives.
Because of the money you can get from it without worrying about the decrease or increase in it.
As you would get paid on a monthly basis which would also be declared within the starting. The minimum payout is $20 (via paypal) and $50 (via check).

2. Chitika

It is much same like the best, AdSense. And you can earn thousands of dollars from it if you have traffic from US (As most of the companies who pays for advertising are based there and thus, spend more money).
How it is same like AdSense?
It is only same when you would take in to account only the customization of Ads but when you would consider the money it doesn’t comes close to the the Google.
You can get minimum payout of $10 (via paypal) and $50 (via check).

1. Media.net

You know that enemy of a enemy is a friend. Right?
The same is the result here, Media. net is started by the two biggies in the internet world, Yahoo and Bing.
And that is enough to use it if you can’t use AdSense.
It is the best AdSense Alternatives if you can’t go with the AdSense. The minimum payout is $100 via check.
List is over! Now, its your turn to share your best AdSense alternatives 2013 through commenting below. I would love to hear your opinion on this.
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  1. I have no idea about other adsense program except google adsense, but your post I get the information of it.. Thanks...

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